Wu-Wei – a 2000 Year Old Chinese Philosophy

Hustle, speed to get things done, push-push-push can have a toxic effect on people. We Wei (pronounced woo way) can help with a more balanced approach and is part of Taoism. The term translates as non-action or effortless action. It’s not saying sit back or be a slacker. What it considers is an approach that is letting things happen naturally with less need to control. Take action when needed but avoid tension and excessive effort. Think more of going with the flow.


Some things that can help:


  • Accept things as they are – if you did not get that promotion recognize that is part of the journey and make the best of it. If you don’t have complete control over an outcome, make peace with it and keep going.

  • Embrace imperfection and change– things will unfold in their own way. Nothing is perfect. Learn from your mistakes. Allow yourself to do this and be kind to yourself when things don’t go as planned. Life is a constant change… don’t focus so much on the last chapter.

  • Try mindfulness – be aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness is best practiced when you can have some quiet and uninterrupted time to yourself. Focus on your breath. If you hear sounds of nature or others, just acknowledge them with focusing on them. Your mind will wander. Just bring it back to your breath. Be in the present. Don’t dwell on the past or think about the future. Be in the now… that’s why it’s called “the present”. It’s a gift. Mindfulness takes time and practice. Five minutes a day is a good start.

  • Let go of your ego – everything is connected. Your title, profession and possessions do not make you who you are. Don’t cling to false identities.

  • You don’t have to always be first. In Taoism, the three jewels are compassion, humility, and simplicity. We are all part of the One. Much of what you accomplish is done through the help of others.

  • Be content with what you have. If you are not happy with this, would more make you happier? Filling desires often makes just more desires. Don’t have a blind eye for your blessings. Practice gratitude. If you are healthy, then you are wealthy.

  • Accept your flaws – and the world will accept you as you are. Use your positive qualities and strengths. Comparisons with others usually brings misery.

  • Live a balanced life, eat right, sleep well, forgive when needed and exercise if you desire.