Eight Brutal Truths Everyone Should Realize Earlier In Life
1. Material possessions won’t make you better or happier.
2. You can’t make everyone happy. If it is your goal, you are bound to lose yourself.
3. Being perfect is unrealistic, Being a better version of yourself should be what you pursue.
4. Your achievements and successes won’t matter as much as you precious memories on your deathbed.
5. The more you want to find happiness in the outside world, the more likely you’ll fail. Happiness is not a treasure to be found but can be built within ourselves.
6. Your actions speak louder than your words. Stop trying to influence others with what you say, but rather what you do.
7. You’ll die and have not have any idea when. Grasp every moment to achieve what you want in this world. Each day is a gift.
8. Your talent is not only sent from God, it also comes when you make consistent effort and practice.