Exercises to Help Prevent Falls

Exercises to Prevent Falls

Trying to build speed is important but slowing and stopping is too. Here are some sets to help with the latter. You can find video examples on YouTube or searching the web.

Reverse Eccentric Lunge

Why: Eccentric strength training, where the lowering phase of an exercise is slowed down to keep the muscles under tension for a longer period of time, is a great way to build strength, says Ms. Braaten. This lunge variation forces us to control the lowering motion while working the glutes and hamstrings.

How: Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step your left foot backward and slowly lower your body for a count of 3 to 5 seconds, until the right thigh is parallel to the floor, knee over your shoe laces. Your torso and shin of the front leg should be parallel. Pause for 1 second then press into the heel of your front foot to come back up to the starting position for a count of 1 second. Perform 3 sets of 5 reps per leg. Rest 1 to 2 minutes per set. 

Drop Lunge Snap Down

Why: The additional speed component of this exercise increases the intensity of the lunge and more closely mimics the demands of movements in a rugby match and real life, she says.

How: Stand tall on your tiptoes with arms overhead. Rapidly drop into a reverse lunge with your front foot flat and on the ball of the back foot, with your heel raised. Use a quick and sharp arm drive down toward the floor to help increase the speed of the drop. “Think about transitioning from fast to freezing like a statue,” she says. Slowly rise to the starting position. Perform 2 to 3 sets of 3 reps per side. Rest 30 seconds between sets.

Two-Step Falling Deceleration

Why: Being able to safely stop a fall is key to mitigating injury. This drill teaches the body to decelerate while building single-leg strength.

How: Stand tall, with feet hip-width apart. Begin to fall forward with a tall spine. Use two steps to stop. The first step is used to break and the second step is the stick or the leg to decelerate on. Landing on the full foot will help increase balance and allow for a quicker, more efficient deceleration. As you step to break, avoid any inward collapse of the knee. Perform 2 to 3 sets of 3 reps per side. Rest 30 to 45 seconds between sets.

Options: Have a friend stand in front of you as a spot or perform this exercise near a wall.

Lateral Rebound Skater Jump

Why: Our body moves in different planes of motion. This drill trains single-leg deceleration in the frontal or side-to-side plane and improves our ability to absorb force.

How: Stand tall, balanced on your left foot. Sink your hips back to load your weight then push and powerfully jump off of that foot to the right. Swing the arms across the body for momentum as you jump. Land balanced on the right foot with a slight bend in the knees and hips. 

“The emphasis should initially be on sticking the landing rather than on the distance of the jump,” she says. Reset for the next rep by hopping back to the left leg and repeating the movement. Perform 2 to 3 sets of 4 reps per side. Rest 30 to 45 seconds between sets.

Deceleration With a Half Turn

Why: This exercise trains agility, coordination and balance. Great for weekend warriors playing cutting sports like basketball or soccer, the deceleration-with-a-half-turn drill reinforces getting into good deceleration positions from a run, she says.

How: Jog forward and after 10 to 15 feet, decelerate by dropping your shoulders slightly to the right and over the inside of your hips. As your right foot plants, complete a half turn to the right. Stop in an athletic ready stance with soft knees and torso and shins parallel. Stick and hold the position before jogging forward 10 to 15 feet again and decelerate in half-turn position to face the left. Alternate half turns to each direction for a total of 3 half-turn decelerations on each side. Perform 3 to 4 sets. Rest 30 to 60 seconds between sets. Increase the pace of the jog to a run to progress. 

Zigzag Tempos

Why: After the above exercises helped strengthen your deceleration positions, this drill will help improve your ability to get in and out of those positions and make you more agile, she says.

How: Place 6 to 8 cones or markers each about 10 to 15 feet apart in a zigzag pattern to get in 3 to 4 decelerations per side. Start at one cone and run at a controlled pace to the next. Decelerate by bending into the knee and flexing at the hip of the planted foot while maintaining a tall spine. Push down into the planted leg to push away from the cone and run to the next one. Decelerate as you reach each cone. Keep the shoulders facing square up field through the entire drill. Try to become a statue at each cone before running to the next. As you increase speed you will need to absorb more force to decelerate efficiently. Perform 3 to 4 sets resting 30 to 60 seconds in between.

From the Wall Street Journal, January 28, 2023. Sylvia Braaten is the lead physical performance coach for the USA Rugby women’s national team and assistant coach for Harvard University’s women’s rugby team