Food Do’s And Don’ts For Canines

We are dog lovers and have always had at least one dog while our kids were growing up. We’ve had Goldens, Labs, and a mutt or two. Today we have a Goldendoodle and a Labradoodle, Zoey and Tux. We light to give them treats but should remember that we we enjoy may not be good or even be harmful to them.

An article from Newsweek Team (April 2022)

All dog lovers want their pets to enjoy life with us, and we tend to think that what we might enjoy will be ok for them. That’s true sometimes but read on.

Some human foods are safe for dogs to eat and could even be beneficial for dogs’ joints, immunity, oral health and possibly even allergy immunity. Other human foods that we can digest just fine could be very dangerous for canines to consume and may even cause severe health problems.  Before you share your favorite meal with your pup, learn about 10 human foods that are safe for dogs to eat and 10 that can be harmful, and even deadly, to dogs.

Bread: Bread is delicious, and likely your dog thinks so, too. Although bread contains no real nutritional value for dogs, it won’t hurt them, and it’s OK for them to have a nibble of your delicious sourdough or rye.

Cheese: Cheese can be a treat for your dog in small quantities unless they are lactose intolerant, which is rare in canines but still possible. Just make sure not to overdo it, because cheese is often high in fat, which can lead to pancreatitis in dogs.

Eggs: Cooked eggs can be a great source of protein for dogs and can also help to calm an upset stomach. Just make sure the eggs are fully cooked, because raw egg whites may lead to a biotin deficiency in our canine companions.

Fish: Fully cooked fish can be a great addition to your pooch’s diet and contains beneficial fats and amino acids for a tasty health boost. Salmon and sardines can be an extra-healthy inclusion in their diets. Salmon contains several vitamins and significant amounts of protein, while sardines pack calcium in their small and easy-to-digest bones. Other types of fish should have their bones removed before sharing with your pup.

Ham: Although not the healthiest snack, with its high sodium and fat content, a little ham is fine for your dog. Just don’t make it a habit.

Honey: Honey may seem like an odd thing to share with your pet, but it can be safe for canine consumption in small quantities and can provide a range of vitamins like A, B, C, D, E and K. It’s said that local raw honey could possibly help dogs that suffer from allergies by introducing their system to small amounts of flower pollen which can help build immunity to allergens (although scientific evidence is currently lacking).

Peanut butter: Peanut butter in moderation can be a tasty treat for dogs as well as being an excellent source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins and niacin. Unsalted, raw peanut butter is the best option for pups, as peanut butter with the sugar substitute xylitol can be toxic to dogs.

Popcorn: Watching a flick with Fido? A few bites of plain popcorn aren’t harmful to dogs and can provide a boost of riboflavin and thiamine for added eye and digestion benefits. However, avoid feeding your pets kernels or popcorn with toppings.

Pork and poultry: Pork is one of the most easily digestible proteins and may be less likely to cause an allergic reaction than others. Poultry that has been deboned and unseasoned can be OK for dogs, as well.

Wheat and grains: It is perfectly fine for dogs to consume grains as long as they do not have an allergy. Grains like wheat and corn can be a good source of protein, fiber and essential fatty acids.

10 Harmful Human Foods for Dogs

Chocolate: This isn’t just a myth. Chocolate can be extremely toxic to dogs, especially dark chocolate. Even small amounts can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Large amounts can cause seizures and even death.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon isn’t toxic to dogs, but it can be dangerous and should be avoided. Cinnamon can irritate dogs’ mouths and cause a drop in blood sugar. If inhaled, cinnamon can cause choking and difficulty breathing.

Garlic: All members of the allium family including garlic, onions, chives and leeks can cause anemia in dogs. This can lead to elevated heart rate and collapse.

Macadamia nuts: Macadamia nuts are some of the most poisonous foods for dogs. They can cause vomiting, inability to walk, increased body temperature and can even affect your dog’s central nervous system.

Ice cream: It’s best to avoid letting your dog have a lick of your ice cream due to its high sugar content and some dogs’ intolerance to lactose.

Corn on the cob: Corn off the cob can be OK for dogs, but corn on the cob should be avoided. It can cause intestinal blockages in canines.

Avocado: Avocados contain persin, which is toxic to dogs. It can cause vomiting and diarrhea, so keep your pup away from your avocado toast.

Grapes and raisins: Scientists are unsure what causes grapes and raisins to be toxic for canines. It is known that the ingestion of grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs.

Alcohol: Alcohol has the same effect on a dog’s brain and liver as it does on humans. In canines, only a small amount can cause breathing problems, vomiting, diarrhea, coma and, even, death.

Caffeine: Caffeine can be fatal to dogs, so all coffee, tea, sodas and energy drinks should be kept away from your pup.