Useful Tips to Use With Safari

Useful Tips for Safari on Your Mac

Display the full URL – Go to Safari Preferences and click on Advanced Tab. Choose “Show Full Website Address”

Quickly reopen a closed tab – Either use the History Menu and drop down to “Reopen Last Closed Tab” or use keyboard Shift+Command+T for the same effect. While you are looking at the drop downs from the History Menu, you’ll see other useful features too. Also, CMD+Z will quickly reopen a close tab, but you must do it before making other commands.

Pin a Site – find yourself going back to a webpage repeatedly? Why not just pin it to Safari so it’s easily reopened.  It will be positioned to the left of other tabs for easy use. Just Right Click over the URL and select Pin to Tab.

Change the layout to suit your needs. Go to Safari Preferences and select Tabs. Choose Compact or Separate. See which one you prefer. Other tips you’ll see are CMD+1, CMD+2 and so on to quickly scroll through tabs using the keyboard starting with left most tab as “1”.

To customize the toolbar, right click on the toolbar where the tabs are to see Customize Toolbar pop-up. Click on that to see icons you can add or re-arrange to make it work better for you.

Reset the Home Page – Go to Safari Preferences, General Tab. On the line labeled: Homepage: type in what you would like to see in that box. Look at the other selections above Homepage for more customization.

Personalize the Start Page – By default, Safari is set up to take you to a special Start page that showcases your Favorites, Reading List, Bookmarks, and other handy things. If you want to customize that particular page, you can.

To customize the start screen, then right-click in any blank space on the Start page to bring up a list of options that you can show or hide. You can also drag and drop icons to move them around or even create a new folder to store them in.

Move across tabs – CMD+Shift+left arrow or right arrow

Reopen closed tab by typing CMD-Z before you type anything else. For reopening older tabs, go to History menu.

Drag tabs left and right by clicking on them to move them.

Close a window or tab by typing CMD+Shift+W or CMD+W. To keep only the current tab open, CMD+Option+W

The Side Bar lets you see Bookmarks, etc. Open it by typing CMD+Shift+L.  To open the Reading mode use CMD+Shift+R

Up and down a page? – try spacebar to page down or Shift+spacebar to go up

Back or forward on a page? – use CMD+right arrow or left arrow

Zoom in or out on a page to help with small print by CMD+Shift+= (equals sign) or minus sign to zoom out.

Use CMD+L to control URL bar

Looking for something on a page? Use CMD+F as a search tool for text. Move through your search with Return to the next instance or Shift+Return to move back

Don’t be afraid to customize Safari to suit how you work. It will make things easier and helpful.

#Safari #How To #Mac #Monterey