Using HIIT To Stay Younger

Get Younger from the Inside Out

As with all exercise programs, if you are just starting out or have questions, seek advice from a medical or training professional about your situation.

If the written description is not clear, try searching on YouTube for the term to see a video example of the exercise. 

We’d call this workout the fountain of youth, but it’s better than that: It’s based on the science of keeping your body young.




What you have here is a combo of moves that, together, counteract the negative effects of aging. In this workout, you’ll do eight strength moves because strong muscles mean, among other benefits, stronger bones, a healthier brain, and better balance—all crucial to being young on the inside. Your final move is a HIIT move, the one that brings a little extra magic (actually, science!) to the whole thing.


HIIT stands for high-intensity interval training, and we know that can sound, well, intense. But HIIT is actually a totally doable way to give your workout the kind of boost that really matters. It just means you add extra bursts of energy to a small section of your workout. Yes, you’ll really sweat during those 30 or so seconds, but the perks far outweigh the temporary strain.

Studies have shown that HIIT workouts bring a host of benefits: The method improves cardiac function, muscle function, and memory faster than regular exercise. A specific aging-related benefit, though, is that HIIT routines have been shown to lengthen the ends of your telomeres, which are parts of chromosomes; when a telomere gets too short, the cell it’s associated with dies. Lengthening them may keep your cells—and therefore you—healthy a lot longer.

You can put it all together in this workout no matter what your fitness level. It’s easy to start and just as easy to make more challenging as you get stronger—and, dare we say, younger?



You can do these moves one time through and be proud of yourself. But to truly reap the strength, cardio, and longevity benefits, follow these guidelines:


▶︎ Do eight to 12 reps of each exercise. For the first eight moves, focus on your form, not on speed. For the last move, make sure you keep moving as you go from one rep to the next. Your heart rate will go up!

▶︎ Complete three to four circuits of all nine moves. Start with two, adding more as you get stronger.

▶︎ Rest for two to three minutes between circuits. Grab a sip of water and wipe the sweat from your eyes, then get back to it.

▶︎ Add weights when you’re ready. This routine is effective without dumbbells, but to continue to challenge yourself (crucial for strength, weight loss, and longevity), add five- to 15-lb weights as you continue to follow this routine.



➊ If using dumbbells, hold one horizontally in front of your chest.

➋ Stand with your feet a little wider than hip-width apart, toes facing out. Bend your knees and squat, pushing your butt back and keeping your knees over your ankles.

➌ As you return to standing, drag your right leg behind your left leg so the right foot ends up slightly behind and to the left of your left foot.

➍ Step your right leg back into starting position and repeat the sumo squat followed by the drag with the left foot.

➎ Continue alternating sides to complete at least four reps on each side.


➊ Lie on your back with your knees bent in tabletop position (thighs perpendicular to the floor, knees bent, calves parallel with the floor).

➋ Place your hands behind your head and raise your shoulders from the floor.

➌ Gently alternate tapping your right and left toes on the floor for at least four reps with each foot.




➊ If using dumbbells, hold one horizontally in front of your chest or two facing each other over your shoulders.

➋ Stand with feet hip-width apart, toes facing forward. Sit into your heels and bend your knees into a squat.

➌ Return to standing and lunge back-ward with your left leg. Bring your left leg back to starting position.

➍ Repeat the squat, this time lunging back with your right leg.

➎ Continue alternating sides to complete at least four reps on each side.




➊ If using dumbbells, hold one in each hand. Raise your left hand over your head while resting your right hand (and dumbbell) on your hip.

➋ Bend your left elbow to lower the dumbbell behind your head. Keep your elbow tight beside your ear.

➌ Straighten your arm and repeat for at least four reps.

➍ Repeat with your other arm.




➊ Start in push-up position, hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Keep your abs tight and knees bent, with pressure slightly above your knees.

➋ Bend your elbows to lower your body to the ground.

➌ Extend your arms and legs out in a V, keeping your head neutral.

➍ Pull your arms and legs back into their original position and push your body up by straightening your arms and keeping your core tight.

➎ Repeat eight to 12 times.




➊ Start down on your mat with your knees under your hips and your hands under your shoulders.

➋ Bring your left knee and right elbow together below your chest.

➌ Extend your left leg behind you, and your right arm in front of you.

➍ Repeat with your right leg and left arm, then continue alternating sides to complete at least four reps on each side.




➊ If using dumbbells, hold one in each hand with your palms facing forward.

➋ Stand with one foot a step behind you. Keeping your elbows tight to your body, bend your elbows to raise your hands to chest height.

➌ Keeping your elbows tight to your body, raise and lower your arms three-quarters of the way up and all the way down.

➍ Repeat at least four times.

➎ Switch legs and perform the same number of reps on the other side.


➊ If using dumbbells, hold one in your left hand.

➋ Stand with your feet hip-width apart, toes facing forward. With your right knee slightly bent, lean forward and raise your left leg behind you. Hold your right arm out to the side for balance.

➌ Keep your body square to the front and your hips parallel to the floor, squeeze your glutes, and bend your left elbow to raise the weight to your body.

➍ Lower the weight and return to starting position. Move the weight to your other hand and repeat.

➎ Continue alternating sides to complete at least four reps on each side.




➊ Start with your feet hip-width apart, toes facing forward. Bend your knees into a squat position, then straighten your legs and jump forward onto your toes.

➋ Fall back into a squat and repeat eight to 12 times.



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